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Remote controlled motorcycle alarm system with a battery backup siren , immobilizer and an integrated movement sensor.

Not anymore available, replaceable with Meta DefCom 3.1B alarm system which wire harness is the same.
SKU: ABM0034
Meta Activepark parking sensors
SKU: ABP05760
169,00 €
Alarm system with siren, volumetric protection and immobilizer for vehicles with original central door locking Remote Control.
SKU: ABS15450
171,82 €
Motorcycle alarm system with a battery backup siren , immobilizer and an integrated movement sensor.
SKU: ABM01560
202,32 €
Mycro remote control with 2 buttons and led, autolearning function.
For alarms: HPA EVO, DefCom 3.1B
SKU: ABS16510
30,50 €
Car alarm controlled by the car's original central locking remote control or the additional B9.5 remote control equipped with siren, volumetric sensor and tilt sensor.
SKU: ABS16851
180,00 €
Car alarm controlled by the car's original central locking remote control or the additional B9.5 remote control equipped with wireless battery backup siren, volumetric sensor and tilt sensor.
SKU: ABS16931
230,00 €
Car alarm controlled by the car's original central locking remote control or the additional B9.5 remote control equipped with battery backup siren, volumetric sensor and tilt sensor.
SKU: ABS16861
200,00 €
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