META EVOCAN US/M06 caralarm with battery backup siren

SKU: ABS16861
Brand: Meta
200,00 €
Qty.: - +
Car alarm controlled by the car's original central locking remote control or the additional B9.5 remote control equipped with battery backup siren, volumetric sensor and tilt sensor.
Meta EvoCan US/M06 alarm system is controlled either by the car's own remote control or by an optional art. ABS16980 B9.5 with remote control. The alarm system can be installed on cars with CAN-bus and LIN-bus electrical systems, and also with an additional remote control on cars with analog electrical systems.

Main features of Meta EvoCan:
- alarm system with universal programmable central unit,
- suitable for vehicles with 12V electrical system,
- battery backup siren,
- volumetric protection by ultrasonic sensors (can be temporarly excluded),
built-in tilt sensor that protects against towing and jacking (must be activated, can be temporarly excluded),
- immobilizer,
- output for central door locking,
- Emergency override code
- possibility to add B9.5 remotes,
- possibility to add additional sensors and modules,
- possibility to add wireless sensors for protecting car or even garage,
- very low current consumption: 5 mA,
- is pursuant to UN/ECE regulation no. 116, type aproval no. E24 116RA-000159.

Operating modes of the ABS16980 B9.5:
Remote control- B9.5 is working only when its button is pressed:
- as an additional remote control for CAN- or LIN-bus connection
- as the only mode of management
ID-Tag- B9.5 ID-Tag continuously sends control signals which are used:
- For secure disarming in the case of a CAN or LIN-bus connection: when opening the car's central lock, the door and motion sensor circuits are temporarily switched off until the security device detects the presence of the B9.5 remote control in the car.
- For the operation of the monitoring device as an independent system. The security device turns on automatically when the car is left and turns off when the presence of the remote control in the car is detected

Protection by the alarm system
An alarm cycle will be triggered every time:
- the ignition key is turned ON
- by attempt to open door, boot or bonnet,
- power cut,
- movement is detected inside of the vehicle,
- when the car is towed or jacked up
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